Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 31 deadline

University of Western Australia / CAASTRO, Postdoctoral Researcher on Cosmic Flows
references: John, Martha, Matthew

Instructions for submission: You don't have to submit anything unless contacted.  I just give them your email addresses as my referees.


From the job ad: "Based at the University of Western Australia, your role will be to use velocity data from the recent 2MTF, 6dFGVs and other galaxy surveys to develop a detailed understanding of the distribution of dark matter in the local Universe. You will work with existing observational data and develop optimal reconstruction techniques in collaboration with other CAASTRO researchers at ANU, Swinburne and Queensland. The research will allow you to measure cosmological parameters and will pave the way for the upcoming TAIPAN and WALLABY surveys."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

November 14 deadline

University of California, Santa Barbara, Observational Astrophysics, Tenure-Track Faculty Position
letter writers: Lister, Martha, Matthew

Instructions for submission: "All application materials should be submitted via UC Recruit: "

It sounds like what happens is that I submit my application on their website, and provide the email addresses of my preferred letter writers, and then they'll email you some kind of code that allows you to upload the letters to the website.


From the job ad: "The Department of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara is seeking candidates for a tenure-track assistant professor position in observational astrophysics, with an appointment to start in Fall 2015.  The astrophysics group currently consists of 11 faculty working in a variety of areas including detector development, exoplanets, cosmology, the interstellar and intergalactic medium, compact objects and high energy astrophysics, galaxy formation and evolution, stellar astrophysics and supernova research."

November 1 deadline

North Carolina State University, Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Astrophysics
letter writers: Lister, Martha, Matthew

Instructions for submission: "Applicants should also arrange to have at least three letters of recommendation sent by e-mail to, with astrophysics and the name of the applicant in the subject line."


From the job ad: "While consideration will be given to outstanding individuals with expertise in all relevant fields, it is expected the successful candidate will establish a highly competitive, independent research program that enhances the department's current strengths in computational astrophysics, supernova remnant astronomy, stellar astrophysics, and theoretical nuclear / neutrino astrophysics. Applicants will also need a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and mentoring at both undergraduate and graduate levels. We plan to hire at the assistant professor level, but will also consider exceptionally qualified senior applicants."

OK, those particular areas don't overlap with my own research, so it may be a longshot, but I'll give it a go and apply just in case.

Test Post

This is a test to see if this works.

I also want to check to see if I can link to other sites.